First SDEPS event: an introduction

On Friday 9th July 2021 at 14:00 CET / 13:00h BST, the SDEPS (Shared Digital European Public Sphere) coalition had its first public event.

You maybe wonder what is SDEPS and more importantly why should I be involved? Over the hour-long event, we will explain the background, what’s been done so far and our plans going forward… together. It will be great use of your time on a Friday afternoon!

Here is a brief overview of what to expect:

  • Introduction to SDEPS: what we are and what we are not
  • Guest speaker: Bill Thompson (BBC R&D) on the past, present and future of the digital public sphere
  • Q&A with Bill
  • Update from the SDEPS working groups (Infrastructure and Advocacy) including how to get involved
  • Q&A
  • Wrap-up

You can register your interest by emailing and we will send you the participation details ahead of the meeting on Friday. If you are interested in joining our collective effort, please read the Joined Vision of SDEPS.